LYRIC ART borns from the Compañía de Zarzuela Arte Lírico, founded and directed by Alfonso García Leoz on the 80’s of the XX Century, before this it was directed on the 60’s by Esteban García Leoz with the name Cooperativa de Arte Lírico.

This family name, García Leoz, was a reference in the Spanish lyrical music during the XX Century, artistically and corporately. Composer Jesús García Leoz, was indeed famous due to his compositions, Opera, Ballet, Oratory and basically due to his more than a hundred compositions for cinema on the 50’s, he as well as his brother, Esteban García Leoz, produced several Opera Seasons.

Corporately, LYRIC ART became a reference agency on the 90’s, representing exclusively in Spain names as Luis Lima, Mateo Manuguerra, Richard Leech, Leontina Vaduva, Kaludi Kaludov, Daniel Lipton, among others. Such as Spanish young singers then: Carlos Álvarez, Lanza, Sempere, Zapater, etc.

At present, LYRIC ART, is run by Rosa García Leoz and Rocío Ignacio as managers, always under supervision and adviced by Alfonso García Leoz. LYRIC ART now exclusively represents: CARLOS ÁLVAREZ, ROCÍO IGNACIO, JORGE DE LEÓN, GIANCARLO DEL MONACO, RICHARD LEECH, CARLOS CHAUSSON, RODRIGO ESTEVES and LEONOR BONILLA as well as different careers of: BELEN ELVIRA, AMPARO NAVARRO...

LYRIC ART also organizes and produces Opera, Oratory and Concerts, as we have done for decades.